{% import "_includes/forms" as forms %} {{ forms.autosuggestField({ label: "Access Key ID"|t('aws-s3'), id: 'keyId', name: 'keyId', suggestEnvVars: true, value: fs.keyId, errors: fs.getErrors('keyId'), class: 's3-key-id', instructions: 'You can leave this field empty if you are using an EC2 instance with an applicable IAM role assignment.'|t('aws-s3') }) }} {{ forms.autosuggestField({ label: "Secret Access Key"|t('aws-s3'), id: 'secret', name: 'secret', suggestEnvVars: true, value: fs.secret, errors: fs.getErrors('secret'), class: 's3-secret-key', instructions: 'You can leave this field empty if you are using an EC2 instance with an applicable IAM role assignment.'|t('aws-s3') }) }} {% set bucketInput %}